Global Performance Consulting, LLC

Global Performance Consulting (G.P.C.) is a Limited Liability company comprised of executive consultants and coaches whose global reach is to facilitate excellence in personal and corporate leadership through professional executive coaching, assessments, business development, executive mentorship, and training. Consulting is about identifying problems and solutions. Success in today’s globalized world requires the ability to adapt to a variety of cultural situations by possessing a core set of social and emotional skill sets.

Global Performance Consulting services are designed to evoke a free interchange of cutting-edge ideas to create space for transformational change. Global Performance Consultants take a clear and robust stand for helping C.E.O.s, C.F.O.s, C.O.O.s, E.V.P.s, C.M.O.s open the space for new energy, solutions, direction, and wisdom –all of the necessary ingredients to excel and maintain a power-edge presence in every domain.

Global Leadership & Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Global Leadership for Businesses

John Maxwell was named the “#1 Most Influential Business Leader” by the American Business Association.As a JMT certified, coach, trainer, speaker, and independent consultant, we provide an array of leadership assessments. Lunch and Learn seminars and training on all management and leadership stratergies including the five levels of leadership.

Global Leadership & Cultural Intelligence

Success in today’s globalized world requires the ability to adapt to a variety of cultural situations. Understanding cultural differences across the globe enables entrepreneurs to effectively navigate their business, corporate, and personal life in domestic and international environments.Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is a person’s capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity and enhances employee, management, and organizational effectiveness. Whether you are a corporate officer, team leader, or entertainer performing in a foreign country, professionally trained facilitators at Global Performance Consulting can increase your cultural intelligence and core energy to maximize and reach target performance goals.

(CQ) Cultural Intelligence Assessment

Global Performance Consulting group offers a variety of CQ assessment and training programs. Also, we work with clients on an ongoing basis that targets specific audiences and contexts. Assessments based upon an academically validated Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and Multi-Rater Assessments provide the most accurate assessment combined with self-assessment and observer-feedback.

(EQ) Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Emotional Intelligence measures a core set of social and emotional abilities in five domains. Unlike IQ, you can increase your EQ with training and development. How well we develop and use these abilities dramatically affects how well we live our lives. Our team utilizes the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) to examine the social and emotional strengths and weaknesses of the individual. (EQ-i®) It is the first scientifically validated and most widely used EQ assessment in the world.Participants received a confidential report and debriefed on the assessment findings and given the option to be coached to achieve higher levels of emotional intelligence.

E.L.I. Core Energy Leadership Assessment

Transformation occurs when you understand your purpose; embrace your life assignment and verbalize your intentions to succeed. The Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind attitudinal assessment, based on an energy/action model. The assessment measures your level of energy based on your attitude or perception and perspective of your world. As part of the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief process, you’ll learn about the seven levels of leadership and how much energy you currently have in the catabolic-suppressing range and the anabolic-inspirational range.Participants are debriefed on the findings of the assessment and coached on how to navigate to a higher performance level.

DISC Assessment

DiSC ® is the leading personal assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston designed to test personality, which centers on four different personality traits: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).Over 40 million people have benefited from using the DiSC Profile to improve work productivity, teamwork, resolve conflict, develop leadership and personal communication. The DiSC Profile Test or DiSC Personality Test is an individual assessment tool designed to help you increase your self-knowledge, and to provide information for understanding others.

Cultural & Linguistic Competency Training & Assessment

Cultural competence is a requisite of doing business with diverse clients and members of the workforce group. Cultural competence is defined as a set of similar behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professions to work effectively in a cross-cultural context. GPC offers assessment and intermediate through advanced training in structural, organizational, and clinical cultural competence. The result of cultural competence is an improved understanding of doing business in a global community.

360-degree profile feedback and debriefing

360-degree feedback (also known as multi-rater feedback, multisource feedback, or multi-source assessment) is a process through which input from an employee’s subordinates, colleagues, and supervisor(s), as well as a self-evaluation by the employee themselves, are gathered. Such feedback can also include when relevant input from external sources who interact with the individual such as customers, supervisors, suppliers or other interested stakeholders. Organizations have the most commonly utilized 360-degree feedback for developmental purposes, providing it to employees to assist them in developing work skills and behaviors.

Global Performance Consultation & Assessment Rates

Consultation fees are hourly at a rate of $350. All prices are in U.S. dollars. Full payment must be made before service engagement. Assessments are completed online, and debriefing sessions are held via phone or via Zoom.

What is the difference between coaching and consultation services? Both approaches are an investment you make in yourself or an organization to create the outcomes you truly want. The consultant Consulting provides you with plans, recommendations, and actions you can take to build a stronger, more cohesive brand. A consultant takes your business and brand goals and helps you develop the “how,” “where,” and “when,” providing advice, recommendations, and tactical to-dos for your business.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment 60 Minute Debrief Session


Cultural Intelligence Assessment 60 Minute Debrief Session


Energy Leadership Assessment 60 Minute Debrief Session


Maxwell Disc Method Package 1

  • Maxwell Disc Personality Indicator Report
  • A Debrief Session
  • (30 Minute) Coaching/mentoring Sessions


Maxwell Disc Method Package 2

  • (60) minutes of coaching


Maxwell Disc Method Package 3

  • Maxwell Disc Personality Indicator Report
  • A Debrief Session
  • (60) minutes of coaching
